The Centre for Policy Studies has released a paper which analyses New Labour's record on the economy.
The Adam Smith Institute highlights the BBC's unfair advantage over private braodcasters.
Civitas criticises the University of Leeds decision to cancel a programme on the link between Nazi Germany and the Middle East
The Centre for Social Justice has released a video diary of Justine Greening MP's visit to a charity caring for the homeless.
Civitas has written an article in memory of Adam Smith
This article on 18 Doughty Street highlights the relevance of the Nigerian elections to West.
The Social Affairs Unit argues that the real threat to freedom today comes from the attempt to turn us all into instruments of social justice.
The Globalisation Institute highlights the ineffectiveness of EU farm subsidies
The Adam Smith Institute argues that the economy will be the deciding factor at the next elections.
This artice on 18 Doughty Street highlights the unwillingness of African leaders to criticise each other.
The Globalisation Institute argues that Tax cuts will to help boost Britain's competitiveness.
The Adam Smith Institute welcomes the decision to feature Adam Smith on £20 notes.
This article on the Henry Jackson Society's website is highly critical of the ICJ's handling of genocide cases.
The Globalisation Institute argues that the introduction of property rights in China is only a first step.
Civitas highlights the risks of terrorism associated with increasing university admission.
The Adam Smith Institute opposes the Conservatives proposed green taxes
This article on 18 Doughty Street questions the truthfulness of the recent allegations of racism.
The Adam Smith Institute has released its timetable of upcoming events.
The Henry Jack Society analyses America's approach to rogue states.
The Globalisation Institute highlights the benefits of free trade
Civitas defends the right of an Oxford Professor to criticise immigration.
The Adam Smith Institute reviews the Wealth of nations.
The Tax Payers' Alliance highlights the positive benefits of private equity firms.
The Globalisation Institute argues that economic growth boosts women's rights.
Civitas highlights the falling standards in British schools.